
Level measurement is an important part of process control and can be divided into switching and alarming or continuous measurement and controlling. There are many technologies offered from simple tuning folks and floats to more sophisticated like ultrasonic, radar and guided microwave. There is a solution to your level requirement bringing the key to success to your control loop.

Level Transmitters

Ultrasonic Level Transmitter

A non-contact ultrasonic level measuring device, designed for continuous level measurement in open or closed vessels. The unit is suitable for liquids, but also for solids, in virtually all industries, particularly in water and waste water management.

Ultrasonic level transmitters have no moving parts, and therefore they can measure level without making physical contact with the fluid or object. This characteristic of the ultrasonic level transmitter is especially good for measuring levels in vessels with corrosive or hazardous chemicals. Accuracy of the instrument is best for continuous level within a process control loop, offering sophisticated level monitoring of a system. The transmitter provides an analogue output that correlates the distance from the sensor to the level in the tank converting this signal to a 4-20mA.


The float, suspended to a cable supported with 2 pulleys, drives a red pointer on a graduated ruler. The pointer indicates the volume of liquid inside the tank. A built in magnet operates one or more level switches.

Stainless steel Cat & Mouse JAR

  • Level indicator with metallic parts
  • Wide scale
  • Graduated in %, m3, L etc.
  • Long height possible
  • Protected pulleys with a no jump system
  • Sections of 1500 mm, adjustable total length

The float, suspended to a cable supported with 2 pulleys, drives a red pointer on a graduated ruler. The pointer indicates the volume of liquid inside the tank. A built in magnet operates one or more level switches.

This level indicator JAR, includes a float and a pointer linked together with a cable sliding on 2 pulleys. The pointer is used as a counter weight; it slides along a graduated ruler, following the height of the liquid inside the tank. The ruler fits the tank with adjustable and sliding Tees made of stainless steel. Level switches may be mounted on the rear of the ruler with an index showing their location. Graduations are from 0 on the top to 100% at the bottom (or volume if required). The JAR cat & mouse level indicator is the best solution where plastics or composite materials are prohibited.


  • Open, pressure less tank
  • Operating temperature: 0 °C ... 80 °C

Level Switches

Multi-Point Level Switches

Custom-length multi-point level switches are ideal for monitoring multiple liquid level points within a single tank or for monitoring two or more liquids in a tank. They are available in engineered plastic or metal alloy, a broad range of mounting options and float materials and can be configured with two to seven independent switch actuation levels. Only a single entry point into the tank is required and all electrical wiring emanates from a single source.